Friday, June 09, 2006

Vietnam Vespa Club Celebrates World Cup With Parade

DO NOT buy a Vespa from Vietnam. Instead, enjoy this news story about The Vietnamese Vespa Club celebrating the start of the World Cup with a Vespa parade including jerseys and matching decorations to represent each country participating in the World Cup! Now if they would only play the World Cup ON Vespas, then maybe I'd watch.



Anonymous said...

Hello There ...
Greeting from Central Java Indonesia.
I'd like to inform you all that there will be a Vespa gathering in Central Java Indonesia on December 13th-14th. The name of the event is Java Scooter Rendezvous III (JSR III. JSR is an annual Vespa gathering held by the Indonesian Scooter Lovers (Especially Vespa)and this year would be the 3rd event that held next moth. On behalf of the committee, we are glad to invite overseas scooterists especially vespa owners who want to attend the gathering.

for more Information or shall you have any question about the event please don't hesitate to contact me by mail: or mobile: +62 856 268 3888


Edward "edojie" Soepratignja [Club Name: The Brotherscoot]
Member of The Java Scooter Rendesvous III Committee

Anonymous said...

Hi! May be my question seems to be stupid - but why i shouldn't buy a Vespa from Vietnam? (i'm in Vietnam now:))